Wednesday, September 12, 2007


 We received this from a dear friend, Betsi Calhoun yesterday. We love she and her husband Mike. Amazement was what we felt as we observed God’s Grace sustaining them as they walked a dark journey in life losing their daughter, Misty.

Father’s Grace has proven more than sufficient in their midst of loss and tragedy. I share this with you for encouragement.  Hope these words speak into your Soul today!

I am awed at how God is using Misty’s Life’s Message as it lives on reaching others although she is on the other side. Consider it “A Note from Heaven” to you as she must be smiling down from Heaven knowing we need what she left behind at the direction of her Father and ours!

This is the email from Betsi, her Mom:
    "Just returned from a Ladies' Spiritual Life Retreat in PA where I had the opportunity to minister to about 200 women. The subject matter was taken from some special journal entries from our Misty's journal and one of the things I shared was FIVE DAILY RESOLVES she had put on a little yellow index card and plasticized. - I often think of you all in relation to our daughter because you all were so THERE for us in the aftermath of her death (Graduation to Glory!). We don't often ever get to talk with you and share about Misty - but thought you might all like these resolves and be able to apply them in your own lives in some way :)"

Misty’s hand wrote this. I think she’s aware you are needing this life plan today to encourage you as you face tomorrow with courage…..

Today is a new day - HENCE,

1. I refuse to be shackled by yesterday's failures.
2. What I don't know will no longer be an intimidation: it will be an opportunity.
3. I will not allow people to define my mood, method, image, or mission.
4. I will pursue a mission greater than myself by making at least one person happy he saw me.
5. I will have no time for self-pity, gossip or negativism . . . from myself or from others.

My personal note:
If you have passed this way please know I care and my prayers are with you...

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