Thursday, June 3, 2010


Flesh is what it’s called. It is described as “my unique way or habit that I picked up to cope with life outside the Exchanged Life of Christ, and it does try to take us away from the Truth, BUT DOESN'T HAVE TOO! I remember the day I came to the end of me and said, “OK God, I give up. I have given this Christian life my best shot and it is not working. As I said those words, it was like I could hear applause from Heaven as the Angels around God were saying, “finally she has stopped”.

It has been different ever since that day in April 1986. It was a release, like a death of me although I am very much sitting here on earth awake and living. That day I did die and I entered into the Life of Christ, the Life I got the day he died for me on the Cross to give me the Life I have now. It is so freeing to know in His Life I have a new past, a new present and a new future, it’s His Life…Eternal Life.

Now today the test comes! It is like the Monday morning, how do you live all this out with trust and live dead? Sounds crazy huh? Paul has a lot to say in Galatians to guide us I read in chapter 5 to not go back to the old ways that sounds easy but you know what? It is? And it works! God created me to make a choice. He will not make those choices for me, but when I decide or “make the choice” to do the right thing i.e. “walk in the Spirit” and “not after the flesh” He is there to take over. It becomes Him empowering me. I then can do those things He has planned for me. I then can live the life He wants for me…the Abundant Life!

So… is it worth it to waste our life going round and round like a termite in a yoyo? Back and forth acting dumb when we know the Truth? “NO”, I choose life, that life He went to the Cross and suffered and died for. I heard someone recently, a new believer in his Identity Truth, say after being tempted. “OK, I am going to try this” I choose not to do this wrong habit but God you are going to have to do it and I felt so good then. I didn’t even want to do that thing that controlled me anymore, I had been tempted but now he said, “This feels Great, I’m FREE! And we are, as we live life trusting Holy Spirit to do it for us and we walk forward living out life to it’s fullest.

Remember: God’s Grace is abundant, His forgiveness is forever freeing, and His love is never ending.

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