PS 37:19 “They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.”
That verse is so true! You say how do you know? Because in my 67 years I have been around and seen them, there have been times when I thought we were not going to make it and some how something happened through God my Heavenly Father using someone to meet that need. And you know, I look past that person’s hand and I see God. Aren’t you thinking, “but what if that person wasn’t sensitive to what God wanted to do for you?” Glad you ask, that’s what I want to talk about today. Just how we fit in…
It’s coming up on the time of year when people begin to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas. I read this verse and it reminded me of all those beginning to worry about how they will make it through this season. I know from our past experience as a pastor’s wife we would have to sit the kids down and explain how we wouldn’t be able to have much for Christmas and when it was all said and done, we had so much it was amazing how it all worked out.
I wish you could be around our house when the kids all come home and we’re finishing a meal, sitting there laughing and talking about those times. Robbie will be the one to say, “I remember when Dad would say sons I have to tell you something. This year we don’t have much and Christmas is going to be slim.” I would laugh until I was out of control at him imitating what his Dad would say and we thought they had not heard it before. We worried for nothing when you think about it. Till this day Rob has the biggest Christmas he can and with him it is all about making it good for others. Lessons learned as a child live on forever! I know one thing! They sure got to see how God did provide in a miraculous way. Even one year we were able to get the set of weights they wanted but little did we know they found where we hid them and was already using them before we wrapped them and got them under the tree Christmas morning. Oh what fun times we had and have to this day, telling the stories that make up this fun family.
But now lets just stop and think about those who are working through HARD TIMES! Be
sure to look around and find some family your can help or just the ordinary people you come in contact on the street each day. Just look at the faces of the people in this picture they all have needs, they are everywhere, and Father wants to help them, but you know what? He has to use us to get them fed and taken care of. We are His hands, His feet; He uses our mouth to tell them He loves them. We’re coming up on that time so lets get together and do the work we are called to do like Isaiah talks about in Isaiah 58: 7 “Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.”
As the old country preacher would say, “now ain’t that good”.
In doing the above there is a promise we need to see in the next verse. Now mind you, we are not to do those things for others to get stuff or “points with God”. Don’t hear me saying that, I am just quoting what Isaiah is saying about the Truth! Really we are not to make a lot of noise about what we do if we do, it will become “all about us”. But, just look what we can expect from helping those in need. In verse 8 & 9 of the same chapter 58, Isaiah says, “Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind. Then when you call, the Lord will answer. ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply. How much better does that get!!! Going to go for now going to start looking around……