Don't know where you are in your life right now but with me I feel like life is overtaking me and I can’t stop?
Right now the calendar is packed, and I'm living by a tight schedule. Complaining is not in the picture so don't get me wrong. I feel God is up to something in this world and I am willing to give my all for His cause and get in on what He is doing. My life is approaching the 10th or maybe the 11th hour depending on how well I care for myself and there’s much work yet to be done as I walk this path....
......But we must never get so busy in His work or life in general that we fail to stop and worship Him!!!
Our God’s Love for us is so Great! He wants us to experience it. It's sad to be so busy in His work that we fail to REALLY know His Love for us......
She stands with her right arm just pumping in the air as their worship leader leads, singing “HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS”. I believe her as I watch her actions.....
Last week when the service was over I just had to go up and
meet her. I am a shy person when I get
in corporate worship and very conservative.
I said jokingly, “I wish you could give me lessons on how to worship.” Inside I was feeling like... "I really did!"......
One thing is for sure this song will get your attention because it is the Truth and grips you in the darkest night when you feel you are so alone and nobody cares. But guess what?... that doesn’t matter because the One Who really CARES never leaves us and loves us no matter what...
I have said enough now lets just stop and listen to Him as
He Loves us with His Love in this song..