Thursday, October 18, 2007


Been busy lately and have not taken the time to post here. I ran across this little statement this morning in my "Setting My Mind" for the day time. I couldn't go on without sharing it with you. I think if we all practice this we would not have the "mind chatter" we experience, those things we say to ourselves without knowing it. Those things drive us and cause us to live in the negative and not the positive with a Purpose and healthy plan for our lives!

So here it is. Use it daily to start your day and maybe print in on a card to carry it with you until you know it and can own it as yours. You can own it you know because it is THE TRUTH about you!


“Lord, I accept your unconditional, complete acceptance of me. I accept myself as a much-loved, desired, wanted valuable person to You, one who belongs. I renounce the lie that Satan has perpetrated against me that I am a reject. I rest in Your embrace.

Thank you that this acceptance I have is not based on what I feel or do but rather on what I know to be true from you.”

Renouncing the lie and accepting The Truth is renewing your mind.

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