Wednesday, January 4, 2012


                      “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.”

Read this quote the other day, I liked it.  Our new year is beginning don’t you love New Beginnings...and this year is a Leap Year.....

Our new year is a good time to make plans for cleaning out and planning for 2012.  Got an email this morning from my friend Sandra, saying she’s cleaning out “stuff” today planning for a yard sale in early Spring.  Wish I could go to it and see what I might “want” she will have for sale....”NO!!! I DON’T” just say “STOP IT” I don’t “NEED” anything else!  I am talking about “getting rid” here, so...“moving right along”.....

Let’s see, what are some things that could use some inventory?  Businesses take inventory every year to see where they are and what they need to do in the future to better themselves.  I think we could do the same thing to make everything work better in Spirit, Soul and Body, don’t you? 

A place to start will be to have a plan as you decide to have a quality life in this next year.  A few areas to look at and in no particular order, would be as follows ....

  1. Health - take a look at what our body needs to function at top quality.  Right Fuel, Proper Rest and Excerise unique to you, we are all different.  You might have heard me say this before, it is SO important that we know ourselves, then we will know what we need to function at our best. Slow down and start listening to your body it will tell you something you need to hear. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU!  A good quote by Dr Oz proves this point about eating smart. He said, “The number one reason Americans are heavy: The brain, very smartly, wants nutrition.  But the average American is eating empty calories.  So you finish that 2,000 calories and your brain says,    Keep going until you get nutrients.”
  2. Finances - Where are you spending your money? and how can you control it instead of it controlling you?  What are you saving for the future? What are you giving, once heard this said, “we give and get and give then get to give to get and on and on”  Thanks Joy Norton for one day sharing that Truth!!!  If you need advice check out have heard good things about this ministry that would love to help.
  3. Spiritual Growth - This will be an on going process as we develop our relationship with Father/Son and Holy Spirit.  You want to be with someone when you have a relationship with them.  As you get to Know Him you will hear His voice because you have spent time with Him in Study, Prayer in both talking to Him TRUSTING Him with your concerns and just sitting in His presence and quietly listening.  As you grow live out your life daily this year as Christ as Your Life! I will be posting more about this relationship, I promise because I want to grow in this relationship and I want you to also...
  4. Family - Time invested with family is time well spent! Some of us might live miles or even not in the same country because of work or ministry but there are so many ways we can visit via internet and the Lost Art of Writing Letters!  We can give our time and our family knows we care like nothing else we can do.  Enjoy them is a number one priority.

There's so many areas we could list but trying to keep it short and simple, I just listed four you can add your own.  Make goals for these four things, it will bring the results we are looking for. 

Reach for the stars this coming year and do your best to stretch to the limit.  Where is your limit?  Can you set it beyond what you expect, think BIG?  It sure feels good when we finish well, that's what we can do in 2012....

......The future looks so bright we will have to wear sunglasses as the saying going....Let’s get started..........

HAPPY NEW YEAR my Friend!!!

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