Saturday, June 15, 2013


Just thinking about Father's Day and what it means to me....

My Dad is in Heaven and I miss him, never really got the hug I wanted or the "I love you's" but I've come full circle.  By way of the gift of forgiveness, it's all resolved and in the past now.

By forgiving my Dad, it gave me a true love for him and an appreciation for Henry David, my earthly father.   I now know that he really loved me, in his own way.  I'm looking forward to seeing him one day to live with him forever....

Lately, I have begun to focus on my Real Father.  A Father who will never leave me or forsake me.  The One that loves me with a love that is never ending, "going to the ends of the earth and back" or "to the moon and back", as you might hear one say.

There's no wonder I woke up early this morning with these thoughts to ponder.....


Woke up this morning with this overwhelming thought in song going through my mind, “The Maker of Heaven Knows My Name”! 

I lay there wondering why are these words in my mind? ...and what does it mean?

There must be a reason, I thought...

Could it be Father is wanting to tell me something?  For me to know how important I am to Him? or just how much He loves me?

A feeling of Security came over me thinking through these words and it was BIG to think He cares for me...A LOT!...

He cares and I am just AWE Struck....

Lets just sit back and let this song work into our mind and live our days believing how much He cares for us and our every need and being....

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