Birthday Celebration and Vacation all in one week and HAD TO COME HOME, just unpacked the last of the last stuff from our home on wheels. I used a forth of what I took, why do I do that? I sit here sweating and my tired is tired! All that stuff is stuffed back in its place and now what? I am dreaming of the next time we can go. I look at my calendar and it makes me tired just thinking about what’s ahead on my crowded schedule for the next three weeks. I HEAR YOU! I hear you saying BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! I know I hate whining too!
OK! Enough of that, I must move on and glean on the past days of blest, visiting with our friends as we sat around watching time go by, experiencing the moment. Now let me think…what is wrong with “getting” to come home to a nice place with a “killer” view of beautiful mountain ranges? You know what comes to my mind right now? Holy Spirit is working on me and I feel like I must listen. We are told in the Scriptures by Paul to be “content” and you know what? He wrote it from a prison cell in total confinement. He had to be so uncomfortable and cold and miserable but he still said this, in Philippians 4:11 teachings to “be content” no matter what our circumstances are. Listen, it goes like this, "I have learned in whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content". The Amplified Bible describes being content as "satisfied to the point where you are not disturbed or disquieted". Now don’t you want to get to that place?... I do!
With a change of mind right here and now, I claim that I am content to be home and start another time of planning, studying, learning, cleaning, caring for the needs of those around me, taking some time out for me, spending quality time with Father, taking one day at a time, allowing Holy Spirit to use my gifts, studying the Word so I will be aware of the scriptures that apply like the one today that came just in time to arrest my downward spiral of despair. Oh how close I came to having a pity party!!! I think it will be a good idea if you and I make a checklist of those things we gripe about so easily and start practicing “being content” in what ever is in our path. I think I will use my mental image of Paul in that cold cell when he wrote this verse and just think it lives on today and is being used today. It was for me and you I hope…Thanks Paul!!!