Been quite for days stopped in my tracks. I hadn’t wanted to write because I was disturbed about something but didn’t know what it was, ever been there? I heard your YES! I discovered what mine was and it was BIG. I had tried to carry it all by myself; it was a concern that had been stuck somewhere. I don’t know where, somewhere in my being, maybe in my Soul where my Mind/Emotion/Will resides. Anyway, it was controlling me bringing me slowly down. It was like a weight controlling me, until yesterday I said “Lord I can not carry this any longer and released it to Him”. I said, “I GIVE UP” I instantly could feel the take over as He took it. I am reminded here of a verse we have read many times, but today I feel like I am “owning” it or that I wear it! I know this is for someone out there facing the same thing. You read it so you can see for yourself…..
Hebrews 12:1-3 (King James Version) 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. WILL YOU SAY WITH ME? I DON’T’ WANT TO FAINT…I WILL NOT FAINT!
Today I checked my email and got this. I love reading Devotionals seems to be timely today. I have to share this one with you.
Releasing Impossibilities by Charles R. Swindoll....Matthew 6:25-34
When you face an impossibility, leave it in the hands of the Specialist! Refuse to calculate. Refuse to doubt. Refuse to work it out by yourself. Refuse to worry or encourage others to worry. Stand against that.
Instead, say, "Lord, I'm carrying around something I cannot handle. Because You are not only able but also willing, take this off my hands. It's impossible to me, but is as nothing with You." Persevering through the pressures of impossibilities calls for that kind of confidence.
Now, our problem is that we hold on to our problems. If your Swiss watch stops working, you don't sit down at home with a screwdriver and start working on it yourself. You take it to a specialist.
The problem is that the Lord gets all the leftovers after we try to fix things ourselves. We make all the mistakes and get things tied into granny knots, then dump it in His lap and say, "Here, Lord."
No! Right at first, say, "It's impossible; I can't handle it, Lord. Before I foul it up, it's Yours." He is able to handle it. But we don't usually give God those chances to "fix" it. We are so totally (and sinfully) confident in ourselves that we don't give God the chance to do what He is a real Specialist at doing.
If something is humanly impossible, then what in the world are we doing trying to pull it off?
Hope you glean from my sharing today. Ok……so I will leave you alone with Him now and you can give Him that thing you have been carrying. That load that has been so heavy! He wants to talk to you….
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