Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This one is for you girls but you guys can read it, maybe you can get some understanding of what we face as females. You may be a young woman who can reach out to a friend facing these challenges. We are seeing women go through this around age 50 but as I read articles, some are stating that women are getting younger facing it in their 30’s. I know one thing I felt there could be someone out there that can use this information so here it goes…….

Girls, you might be just meeting her, you may know her by seeing her visit one of your friends or relatives, or you could be telling her “good-bye and good riddance”, any way you slice it if you are a female, you will know her one way or another! In plan words, it is the time in your life you cannot explain, it comes and goes or hangs around more than you like and it is called Menopause. You can look at it in one of two ways; it can be your enemy or your friend. The latter is the best choice to get you through the channel…

Here’s my story I wrote to a special friend, recently. “I am sensing you are going through some difficulty and maybe feeling lonely, like no one understands, but I do. I’ve been there at about your age and things were coming at me all at the same time. The boys were growing up, not needing me anymore. Phil was gone working at the church most of the time as the duty of the pastor, in a building program raising money to build and even driving the bulldozer grading the land to build the building, he had to do all things because he felt he could do them better than anyone else...his burnout came soon after and he was not able to do anything...that was scary! Mother had died and I missed her extremely she was my buddy, my sounding board I could talk to her, she knew me like no one else did. Dad had quit his drinking. I wasn’t second to the bottle anymore so we were enjoying our relationship that was growing leaps and bounds making up for lost time, and he died one night in his sleep. I then escaped in the role of the Pastor’s wife and it became my Identity. Phil resigned and I lost my ID as the First Lady of the Church!! Needless to say, I was swirling down experiencing great losses and had no way out, I felt trapped…

Then " Minnie Pause " moved in, the doctor put me on HRT for my mood swings. Depression set in so per his nurse, I was told I needed to up my dose, which then caused me to be over prescribed. I ended up in the hospital with Ischemic colitis, for a week. I collapsed ending in total despair. I was so exhausted my medical doctor keep me there, he had followed my story and knew I could use the rest. It had been the perfect storm!

Ok! You say I hear you so what do I do? Glad you ask! It’s time to teach you to become PRO-ACTIVE about all the things concerning you and your health. It is called being RESPONSIBLE! I learned long ago I was in charge of me when it comes to my personal issues and especially health. I had to discover what I needed to take care of me, the unique person God made. We are all different and for that reason we’re not all in the same box. I researched, reading through articles on this change my life. I was different and had to come off HRT so I had to go on natural supplements. I went to my local Health Food Store, Rainbow in Decatur, GA at the time, now it is Ken’s Herbs in Blairsville, GA. I got lots of information on Hormone creams and diet. Today I wear out Goggle, I Goggle everything what a great invention!

On this side of that “great event” in my life I am learning that it is a benefit to go through this passageway to get to the better life. One word of advice, don’t give up. I began feeling like I had a person inside that would take over when I wanted to lay and quit and this person would not let me give up. I like to think of it as my champion or it might even be Holy Spirit but I know this is a caring for me that keeps me on track. Grow in your relationship with Father allowing Him to hold you in those moments you hurt so badly feeling no one cares and you want to give up. You will make it becoming the woman fully developed in Spirit, Soul and Body enjoying life to it’s fullest!

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